NY: Adult Victims of Sexual Abuse Can Sue
NY: Adult Victims of Sexual Abuse Can Sue
Hochul Signs Law Opening Window for Adult Victims to File Lawsuits Over Sexual Abuse The bill revives the statute of limitations and gives adult sex abuse survivors a second chance to file lawsuits against their perpetrators, among others, codified here: Adult Survivors Act (S.66/A.648). Under the Adult Survivors Act, persons over 18 who were subject to adult sex abuse will have a one (1) year opportunity to file a lawsuit, regardless of how long ago the crime happened.
This one year window opens in six (6) months from now and you should secure your documentation, a (written) timeline of the events with witnesses, (who, what, where, when, etc.) and evidenced as soon as possible. The Child Victims Act, enacted in 2019, reopened claims for victims under eighteen at the time of the crime. Adult victims were not given the same opportunity, and this legislation reopens the claims of adult victims who were previously barred from the courts.
Cory H. Morris, Esq. New York and Florida, Injury, Addiction, Accident, Call the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris, 631-450-2515 (NYS) (954) 998-2918 (FLA)
Call 631-450-2515 or E-Mail info@CoryHMorris.com to arrange for an evaluation of your claim of Adult Sexual Abuse. Please be ready with the above documents/evidence so that we may thoroughly and properly evaluated your claim.