The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris
Call Today: 631-450-2515
Attorney and Counselor at Law

Theft | Fraud | White Collar Crime | Drug & Narcotics Offenses
Criminal Law
Cory H. Morris - Long Island Attorney; Traffic, Wills, Trusts, & Estates, Discrimination Criminal Matters, Education Law, Personal Injury, Accident, Civil Rights, Emplyoment Law, Housing and Real Estate, Edlcare Law & Planning
Cory Morris criminal law
cory h morris, cory h. morris, criminal attorney,
Cory h. morris long island criminal lawyer, long island criminal law, suffolk county ny, nassau county ny, nassau county criminal defense attorney, suffolk county criminal defense attorney,
Criminal Defense Attorney
Have you, a friend or a family member been arrested? An arraignment must occur for the person in jail to be released. Bail must be set or the Defendant must be released on his or her own recognizance. Offenses vary but the initial stage requires an attorney to negotiate reasonable terms of bail. Whether in New York City or in Southhampton, we can represent you at the arraignment proceedings.
Focusing on addiction matters, Cory H. Morris obtained an advanced degree and a CASAC-T to help those facing crimes related to addiction. Whether it be possession, sale or negligent homicide related to the use of drugs, the office vehemently defends those persons who suffer from addiction and utilize this unique background to attempt to limit the culpability of individuals suffering from a disease or disorder. Have a family member addicted and jailed - call today - (631) 450-2515 | (954) 998-2918.
To the extent that a lawyer is able to communicate with the client during the arraignment process, the client can also be provided accurate, reliable information about his situation as compared to information coming from the police officer who arrested him or her. Mr. Morris holds an advanced degree in psychology - to the extent an argument can be made in mitigation, or to lesser the sentence, because of impulsivity, drug use, age, likelihood of recitivism and/or other psychological or sentencing factors, the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris prides itself in thinking outside of the box and fiercely advocating for their clients.
Additionally, sometimes a client's civil rights are implicated (i.e. False Arrest) or constitutional rights are implicated (i.e. Speedy Trial rights). Having an attorney familiar with the issues can make all the difference in the long run. Having representation can mitigate, or lessen, the severity or harshness of the sentence a criminal defendant may face.
We represent clients charged with any and all criminal matters, regardless of the nature of the offense or the allegations against the defendant, including but not limited to:

abandonment of a child
abortion in the first degree
abortion in the second degree
non-violent felony absconding from a community treatment facility
non-violent felony absconding from a furlough program misdemeanor absconding from temporary release in the first degree
non-violent felony absconding from temporary release in the second degree
misdemeanor aggravated assault upon a person less than eleven years old
non-violent felony aggravated assault upon a police officer or police officer
violent felony aggravated criminal contempt
non-violent felony-aggravated harassment
misdemeanoraggravated harassment of an employee by an inmate
non-violent felonyaggravated insurance fraud
non-violent felonyaggravated sexual abuse
violent felonyaggravated sexual abuse
misdemeanorrent gouging in the third degree
misdemeanorresisting arrest
misdemeanorrewarding official misconduct in the first degree
non-violent felonyrewarding official misconduct in the second degree
non-violent felonyriot in the first degree
non-violent felonyriot in the second degree
misdemeanorrobbery in the first degree
violent felonyrobbery in the second degree
violent felonyrobbery in the third degree
non-violent felonyscheme to defraud in the first degree
non-violent felonyscheme to defraud in the second degree
misdemeanorscheme to defraud the state by unlawfully selling prescriptions190.70A misdemeanorself-abortion
misdemeanorsexual abuse
misdemeanorsexual misconduct
non-violent felonysodomy in the third degree
misdemeanortampering with a witness
non-violent felonytampering with a witness
non-violent felonytampering with private communications
misdemeanorunlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds
Violationunlawful possession of marijuana
Violationunlawful possession of radio devices
misdemeanorunlawful prevention of public access to records
Violationunlawful use of credit card debit card or public benefit card
misdemeanorunlawful use of secret scientific material
non-violent felonyunlawfully concealing a will
non-violent felonyunlawfully dealing with a child in the first degree
misdemeanorunlawfully dealing with a child in the second degree
misdemeanorunlawfully obtaining communications information
misdemeanorunlawfully posting advertisements
non-violent felonyvehicular manslaughter in the second degree
non-violent felonywelfare fraud in the fifth degree
misdemeanorwelfare fraud in the first degree
non-violent felonywelfare fraud in the fourth degree
non-violent felonywelfare fraud in the second degree
The Office Handles crimes such as:
Drug and Narcotic Offenses
Wire Fraud
Marijuana Arrests
White Collar Crime
Illegal Re-Entry
Bank Robbery
Tax Evasion/Fraud
Medicaid Fraud
Museum/Art Theft